Monday, July 12, 2010

36 weeks

Sorry I have not posted in so long! My back is still bothering me a lot and sitting at the computer makes it worse. So for a quick update:
 I am still pregnant. lol. But I have been having problems with the amniotic fluid levels. They are now being checked every week by ultrasound as they keep going too low. I think I just must not be drinking enough. Amy looks like she is doing well though. She is about 6 lbs and moves quite a lot. I see her practice breathing at every ultrasound and she moves a ton!! I am not quite ready for her to be here though. I still have a lot to get done in the house that keeps being put off because of my back being hurt so bad. I know it will all come together though.

So here is my 36 week picture:


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the update! I have been worried about you and the lack of updates for awhile. Glad to hear that Amy is doing well, not so great that your back is hurting..... Hope you find some relief soon.
