Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 3

So I have been a mommy now for three weeks. I have to say, things are going pretty well. Amy is sleeping a few hours at a time in the night and is getting used to sleeping in her bassinet. (Thank God!) Also, breast feeding is going great. I feel like I am nursing all the time, but at this stage in the game, that is what is supposed to be going on. She is even getting a little chunky. :)

I am getting used to having her around. I am just getting the hang of getting her off the boob and into a bouncy seat without waking her up. So I should be able to get a bit more done around the house. I know my DH will be happy about that!

My incision is getting better...there is a spot on the end that is still open even though the doctor cauterized it. I am going to have my DH take a look at it when he gets home tonight or in the morning though. I can see a spot in it that is not red like my flesh, kinda is white or green. (hard to see myself!) So I am hoping it's not getting a little infected. I may put some peroxide on it before bed to see if that helps.

Right now Amy is asleep. I gave her a bath with lavender stuff in it, the boob and stuck her in bed. I hope she says asleep for a while!!

That's it for now. I am going to go lay down. Here are some more pictures!!


  1. aww she is so pretty! Glad everything is going great and hope your incision is ok.

  2. hello! just ran across your site and thought we might have a lot in common as I'm going to be a mom in 5 months as well...if you have a chance, check out my site!

    I'm finding out whether I'm having a boy or a girl today!

  3. She is sooo adorable, with all her hair!! Soo cute!

    Glad things are healing well (hopefully no infection) and Amy is doing well.

    Thanks for updating....
